Frequently Asked Questions

When will the cost of the product(s) I return be transferred to my account?

Your payments will be refunded through your bank within 3 business days after your returned products reach us with the specified cargo codes.

How can I return the product I bought from

If you have placed an order with your membership, you must create a request by clicking on the "Return" link next to the order you want to return in the "My Orders" section, specifying the product(s) you want to return, the reasons for the return and the address where you would like your package to be delivered.

Considerations for Creating a Return Request:

1- Your return requests that you submit before 11:00 will be received on the same day by calling MNG/ARAS Cargo or by going to the branch using the cargo agreement codes we have specified.

If you placed an order without being a member, you must send it via UPS cargo to the address below, along with the invoice sent to you.

Fees for shipments made with cargo companies other than contracted cargo are covered by our customers. The return period is 15 days at the latest from the date you receive the products.

Our Return Address:

Cumhuriyet Mah.82 St. Buldan's Blok No:2 Buldan DENİZLİ

Phone: 0533 746 75 12

For a refund, a transaction must be made on behalf of DÖNMEZ EV TEKSTİLİ VE GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. using the shipping codes below.

MNG : 681195168

ARAS : 2202854551402

DOMESTIC: 943099296

You can return the products to our address below within 14 days, along with their invoices and a note explaining the reason for your return, using one of the cargo return codes below.

Place your invoice, along with the products you want to return, in a bag or box similar to the one in which your order was sent.

Write our recipient company shipping codes, which are the address, on the package. You can deliver your return package to any of the following cargo branches given as an option.

MNG: 681195168

ARAS: 2202854551402

DOMESTIC: 943099296

Our Return Address:

Cumhuriyet Mah.82 St. Buldan's Blok No:2 Buldan DENİZLİ

Phone: 0533 746 75 12

For a refund, a transaction must be made on behalf of DÖNMEZ EV TEKSTİLİ VE GİYİM SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. using the shipping codes below.

Which products are not accepted for return?

Returns of products that have been maintained without following the washing instructions are not accepted due to user error.

In case of product-related problems, if you send it to our WhatsApp communication line with your images, the product will be examined.

The report obtained after the inspection is shared with our customer. If the problem is maintenance fault, the result is communicated to the customer, and as a result, the product is replaced.